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EY Global Integrity Report 2024: Integrity Improves, but Misconduct on the Rise

The EY Global Integrity Report 2024 reveals that rapid change and economic uncertainty make it harder for companies to act with integrity.

EY has published its 2024 edition of its Global Integrity Report, and as usual, the report delivers a wealth of insights about the health of the global ethics economy and what kinds of opportunities this presents for values-driven organizations everywhere.

Overall, the report says, integrity standards are improving even though corporate misconduct appears to be on the rise. Of special note is the growing say-do gap between what leaders say about integrity versus what their own behavior tells the world, which creates integrity risk. General counsel in particular are well-positioned, the report says, to build integrity-first, people-centered organizations.

Some other key insights from the report include:

  • Nearly four out of 10 (38%) global respondents say they would behave unethically to advance their own careers, a substantial jump from the last report.
  • When we break down those numbers, 67% of board members and 51% of senior management say they would behave unethically for their own benefit, compared to just 25% of workers in general. Given how important a role leadership plays in setting ethical tone and facilitating speak-up cultures, these statistics are incredibly important.
  • Those same leaders say they feel pressure to not report misconduct – nearly 65% for board members and 57% for senior management.
  • Training, awareness, and resources are the key to preventing misconduct. 54% of global respondents say that shortages of these things create opportunities for employees to violate integrity standards.

To download a copy of the 2024 Global Integrity Report, click here.

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