Uwe Bergmann heads the Sustainability Management department at Henkel and coordinates Sustainability across the company. More about Bergmann below.

Our innovation teams integrate sustainability metrics into the product development process as part of a unique approach that focuses on every single stage in the value chain. Here’s how it works… Sustainability and innovation are central elements of Henkel’s long tradition of success. Since its foundation as a laundry detergent company in Germany in 1876, the company has developed brands and technologies for over 140 years and holds globally leading market positions in both the consumer and industrial sector. Its well-known brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Loctite reach customers and consumers with technologies ranging from homecare products and consumer hygiene products to industrial adhesives, sealants and functional coatings. Its success story owes much to its culture of innovation and strong commitment to leadership in sustainability. These two characteristics will be at the core of the company’s future because metrics related to sustainability enable Henkel to align its business with global challenges and expectations, drive progress, strengthen its communications and integrate sustainability into product development activities.
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Its success story owes much to its culture of innovation and strong commitment to leadership in sustainability. These two characteristics will be at the core of the company’s future because metrics related to sustainability enable Henkel to align its business with global challenges and expectations, drive progress, strengthen its communications and integrate sustainability into product development activities.
Henkel’s commitment is clear: Each new product must continue to make a contribution to sustainability. To achieve this, products are analyzed along the entire value chain – from raw materials right through to use and disposal – in two dimensions, value creation and environmental footprint reduction. In pursuing this objective, Henkel concentrates on six focal areas: Its value related activities focus on performance, health & safety and social progress, while its footprint activities are centered around materials & waste, energy & climate and waste & waste water. The focus areas are taken direct from the company’s sustainability strategy, which is built around its ambitious long-term goal: “To triple the value we create for the footprint made by our operations, products and services by 2030.”
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About the Author
Uwe Bergmann holds an M.Sc. in Environmental Technology from Imperial College, London and a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences from the University of East Anglia, Norwich. Prior to joining Henkel in 2000, he worked as a Researcher and Consultant at the Institute for Environmental Management at the European Business School, in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany. For more information, visit henkel.com/sustainability.