Bringing Impact and Imagination to Your Privacy and Cybersecurity Culture
There is no compliance topic that has more firmly shifted itself to center stage in the C-suite and for ethics and compliance professionals than cybersecurity. Concurrently, there is no compliance topic that is evolving as quickly or demands as much agility from ethics and compliance officers as protecting their company’s information security. As companies look to their compliance professionals for leadership, support, and protection in those spaces, those compliance leaders should continue to look to the long-held adage of “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” for inspiration.
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In 2015, Ari Kaplan Advisors and the technology company Nuix published a survey entitled, “Defending Data: Turning Cybersecurity Inside Out With Corporate Leadership Perspectives on Reshaping Our Information Protection Practices.” That survey revealed that it was not complex and unpredictable technology failings that gave most businesses the greatest concern when it came to cybersecurity threats. It was employee behavior. It is no surprise to those who work to ensure their organizations’ information security that human behavior remains the largest obstacle to information security. In the Kaplan/
In the Kaplan/Nuix survey, 93% of respondents claimed human behavior was the biggest threat to their organizations’ security, up from 88% the year prior. Combine that data with the increased prevalence of practices that rely heavily on individual human decisions to ensure security protocols are followed, like BYOD policies and cloud usage, and you quickly recognize the importance of driving a culture of compliance and integrity around cybersecurity and information governance practices.
What does that mean to you as you seek to drive a robust culture of cybersecurity in your organization? Your employees and their behavior are the first line of defense. To that end, you must not only enable them with the knowledge they need to protect the integrity of your systems, but also drive the desire and discipline to implement that knowledge. In short, you must create the culture that will support your strategy. How do you do that? This author shares key steps and food for thought below.
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