The UN Global Compact Business Partnership Hub

UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact Business Partnership Hub is an interactive, online platform designed to connect businesses with potential partners in support of UN goals and issues. The Business Partnership Hub allows companies to browse through existing partnership projects that are in need of additional support, and to post its own projects that seek new partners. Visitors to the site can leverage its functionality to find relevant projects and introduce themselves to potential partners, enabling organizations to more easily come together and find ways to collectively have a greater positive impact on UN priority areas.

The Business Partnership Hub currently facilitates partnerships in the areas of anti-corruption, climate and energy, social enterprise, water, and connects with the UN-Business Partnership Hub which links the private sector exclusively with potential partners in the UN system.

Recognizing that business is a key player in the fight against corruption, the UN Global Compact’s 10th Principle calls on participants to integrate anti-corruption policies and measures into their strategies and operations. Using the Anti-Corruption Collective Action Hub, companies have the opportunity to join forces and scale-up efforts to fight corruption, including implementing strong institutional policies and engaging in collective action.

UN Global Compact Business Partnership Hub – Click Here
Anti-Corruption Collective Action Hub –  Click Here

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